Glossarium Agriculture

Agriculture - the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products

Biodiversity - Totality of genes, species and ecosystems of a given region.

Biosphere Reserves - Protected area of land or coastal environment having unique biodiversity.

Conservation - the action of conserving something, in particular. Preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife.

Crop - a cultivated plant that is grown as food, especially a grain, fruit, or vegetable

Cultivars - a plant variety that has been produced in cultivation by selective Breeding

Complementary conservation - Application of a range of conservation techniques (including ex situ and in situ) to conserve the target taxon, one technique acting as a backup to another. The degree of emphasis placed on each technique depends on the conservation aims, the type of species being conserved, the resources available, and whether the species has utilization potential.

Cryopreservation - Storage of bio material at ultra-low temperature

Ex situ - the conservation and maintenance of samples of living organisms outside their natural habitat, in the form of whole plants, seed, pollen, vegetative propagules, tissue or cell cultures.

Ecological Diversity - Variation of habitats, community types and abiotic environment of given area.

Ecogeography - Analysis of a species’ ecological, geographical, and taxonomic characteristics to assist in the formulation of collection and conservation priorities.

Effective population size (Ne) - Number of conserved individuals that would undergo the same amount of random genetic drift as the actual population.

Exotic/Alien Species - Species that are introduced into ecosystem from the outside.

Germplasm - living tissue from which new plants can be grown

Gene pool - The total genetic diversity found within an individual species or species group.

Genetic erosion - Loss of genetic diversity from a species, often caused by anthropogenic factors.

Genetic Diversity - Diversity of genes within a species.

Hot Spot - Priority area of conservation having extremely rich in species and are under treat of extinction.

IBPGR - International Board of Plant Genetic Resources

Inheritance - the genetic characters transmitted from parent to offspring, taken collectively. something, as a quality, characteristic, or other immaterial possession, received from progenitors or predecessors as if by succession

In-situ Conservation - Conservation of organism in its natural home

IUCN - The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

Keystone species - Usually the dominant species within a habitat that tend to define it physiognomically and ecologically, for example, by determining nutrient and water cycling.

KNSDG - Komisi Nasional Sumber Daya Genetic.

KPN - Komnas Plasma Nutfah

KPPNI - Komisi Pelestarian Plasma Nutfah Indonesia

Pests - a destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc

PUSPITEK - Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Teknologi.

Red List Book - Book contains a record of animals and plants which are known to be in danger and published by IUCN.

Sacred Forest/ Sacred Grooves - Forest patches protected by tribal communities due to their religious beliefs.

Species Diversity - Variety of species in a given region.

Target taxon - Species or species group that the conservation action is focused upon.

Yielding Varieties - seeds played vital role in the progress of agriculture.

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