Problem Solving Efforts.

Sastrapradja (1990) in his writtings reveals than in fact since 1976, the government through the Ministry of Agriculture established the Commision of Germplasm Preservation of Indonesia. Task of this committe is dealing the Indonesian germplasm, including plants, the animals, and microbes.

The commision did not relinquish its responsibility in handling priority on the cultivation of plants or even that it is still wild, especially when the commodity is native of Indonesia.

Plants are a source of minerals, vitamins (horticulture), a source of vegetable protein and carbohydrates (food crops), a source of industrial materials (crop plantation), and trees (forest plants for industry) must be prioritized.

From the description above, can be comprehend that the preservation of germplasm used for the purpose of genetic diversity as a source of quality seeds due to changes in the environment, in other words have a double function.

Upaya-upaya penyelesaian masalah.

Sastrapradja (1990) dalam tulisannya mengungkapkan bahwa sebenarnya sudah sejak 1976 pemerintah melalui Departemen Pertanian membentuk Komisi Pelestarian Plasma Nutfah Indonesia (KPPNI). Tugas dari komisi ini adalah menangangi keplasmanutfahan Indonesia baik tanaman, binatang, maupun mikroba.

Komisi tersebut sama sekali tidak melepaskan tanggung jawabnya pada penanganan yang memprioritaskan pada tanaman-tanaman budi daya atau bahkan yang dianggap masih liar, apalagi bila komoditas tersebut merupakan tanaman asli dari bumi Indonesia.

Tanaman-tanaman yang menjadi sumber mineral, vitamin (hortikultura), sumber protein nabati dan karbohidrat (tanaman pangan), seumber bahan industri (tanaman perkebunan), dan pepohonan (tanaman hutan untuk industri) tentunya mendapat prioritas.

Dari uraian di atas, dapat dimengerti bahwa pelestarian plasma nutfah tanaman dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan sebagai sumber keanekaragaman genetik bibit unggul akibat perubahan lingkungan, dengan kata lain memiliki fungsi ganda.


1. Why germ plasm is important and makes the government must cares about germ plasm and make program to protect germ plasm in Indonesia?

2. Describe the efforts of government to germ plasm in Indonesia!

3. Write the places that you know as a place of germ plasm conservation in Indonesia!

4. Why government must use UUD and makes some principle to protect germ plasm?

5. Describe the problem that maybe come and make the germ plasm conservation is bad?

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