Seed Bank or Supplaying Seed

Seed production covers all activities from field preparation was elected to the production of quality seeds produced ready to be distributed to the user
Seed production is human intervention in the continuing sustainability (sustainability) of a plant species that have certain advantages with the hope of meeting the needs of users / consumers with the principle of six right.
These principles are: the right varieties, the right amount, the right price, right time, right place and the right quality.

Seed is the result of today and the promise of tomorrow. Seed production, thus not only aims to get the most out alone, but must be sought the seeds produced when planted will produce maximum production anyway. The success of a program is determined by excellence Germination of seed supplied to consumers (farmers). Improved seed must consistently better quality of seeds produced by the farmers themselves. If seen the data needs of the seed: Subsector seed crops require as much as 349 thousand tons of rice, maize (92 thousand tons), and soybeans (73 thousand tons). "Seeds are available only half of each commodity," said Agriculture Minister Suswono told Reuters in PadepokanSilatAncol Jakarta, Tuesday (11/10), should have been doing business in the field of seed an attractive option. 60-65% increase in productivity of a farm is determined by factors the use of seed varieties QUALITY (genetic factors "in" var TSB composing seed, and seed technology factors "beyond" that is applied to the seed of superior var TSB SHG be qualified)

Who controls the seed, then he mastered food, and who controls the food then he rules the world "

The system is a collection of elements (subsystems) that interact to achieve a certain goal :

1.Plant breeding and testing of promising lines

2.Approving and release of new high yielding varieties

3.Processing of seeds until they are ready salur

4. Distribution of seeds

5. Quality at the time of reproduction, processing and marketing/distribution of seeds

a. Seed Industry Development Indonesia

Nationally, Indonesia actual seed industry has begun to pick up. With the opening of the door of investment in seeding in the early 90s several large seed companies began operating. Along with the start of the output of these firms, slowly seed imported commodities began to decline.

Seed Industry Development Indonesian different conditions found in food crops, especially rice which is still dominated by high-yielding varieties of rice seed production seed companies government. In early 2000 the percentage of fulfillment of the seed is about 40% with a potential seed needs about 286 thousand tons, while corn is 13% with a potential seed needs about 105 thousand tons, and about 8% soybean seed needs about 51 thousand tons of potential. Specifically for the majority of seed corn supply is private seed production company with international scale. While the soybean seed business does not seem to invite the interest of investors, whereas in other parts of the world this business is quite lucrative.

Seed Industry Development Indonesian Some Seed Industry:

· Perum Sang Hyang Seri

· PT. Agricultural

· East West Seed Indonesia (Cap Red Arrows)

· Tanindo (Cap Airplane)

· Work PP

· Zeneca

· Pioneer

· Teknokultura

b. Barriers Seed Development in Indonesia

· There is a shortage of resources that professional plant breeding plant breeding is still low

· The varieties that have been released can not be developed because less meet the tastes of the public

· Seed certification and quality control is still not satisfactory, both human and technological resources

· Institution seed not used optimally and human resources in the field of seed remains limited in both quantity and quality.

· Sometimes inconsistent government policies and seem excessive

· Application of laws seem sluggish and has not met expectations, as well as the ambiguity of perception regarding the certification of seeds, the OECD

Scheme, ISTA Rules

Barriers to Development Seed Indonesia

· There is no clear policy on the role separation between the private sector and the government in the seed, especially in terms of production. Frequent unhealthy competition between the two certified seed production efficiency is still low business scale

· Agricultural business locations spread, some of which means of transport is difficult, so farmers tend to use a random seed

· Price of quality seed production formal seed companies are still deemed too expensive by the farmers, so farmers tend to use seeds from the selection results from plantations themselves, which is not clear anymore generation

· Not the development of agro-industries that require the supply of crop production resulting from quality seed. farmer and small business capital, so that needs little amount of seeds, or seeds tend to choose low prices

· The selling price of the product and the advantages of farmers is low, as a result of farmers choose to use seed that's cheap agricultural business locations spread, some of which means of transport is difficult, so farmers tend to use a random seed

d. The general principles of seed production

The new varieties are produced from a breeding program that takes time, effort, and cost of large, proved to be better than the varieties that are commonly used by farmers cultivation practices to produce essentially the same seed with seed production to consumption. However, pure seed production requires special attention in the form of genetic principles in addition to agronomic principles.

Genetic Principles In principle, produce seed is delivering the benefits of a variety that has been assembled in such a way by breeders, farmers who are expecting excellence to increase revenue. Avoid deterioration VARIETY Genetic Principles Avoid deterioration.

Variety of Factor Which May Result deterioration VARIETY are :




· NATURAL Crosses




Seed Production Forecasting Source For Forecasting are :

· Farmer

· Dealer / trader seed

· Government

· Documentation company

Bank Biji dan Pengadaan Benih

Produksi Benih mencakup semua kegiatan sejak penyiapan lapang produksi terpilih sampai benih bermutu yang diproduksi siap disalurkan kepada pemakainya

Produksi benih ialah campur tangan manusia dalam meneruskan keberlanjutan (sustainability) suatu spesies tanaman yang mempunyai keunggulan tertentu dengan harapan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna/konsumen dengan prinsip enam tepat.

Prinsip-prinsip tersebut adalah: tepat varietas, tepat jumlah, tepat harga, tepat waktu, tepat tempat, dan tepat mutu.

Benih adalah hasil hari ini dan janji hari esok. Produksi benih, dengan demikian bukan hanya bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal saja, namun harus diupayakan benih yang dihasilkan tersebut apabila ditanam akan menghasilkan produksi yang maksimal pula.

Keberhasilan suatu program perbenihan sangat ditentukan oleh keunggulan benih yang disediakan untuk konsumen (petani). Benih unggul tersebut harus secara konsisten lebih berkualitas dari benih yang diproduksi sendiri oleh petani.

Jika dilihat data kebutuhan benih : Subsektor tanaman pangan membutuhkan benih padi sebanyak 349 ribu ton, jagung (92 ribu ton), dan kedelai (73 ribu ton). “Benih yang tersedia baru separuh dari masing-masing komoditi,” kata Menteri Pertanian Suswono kepada Republika di Padepokan Silat TMII Jakarta, Selasa (11/10), seharusnya berbisnis di bidang perbenihan menjadi pilihan yang menarik. 60-65% peningkatan produktivitas suatu usaha tani ditentukan oleh faktor penggunaan BENIH VARIETAS UNGGUL BERMUTU (faktor genetik “dalam” yg menyusun benih var tsb, dan faktor teknologi benih”luar” yg diterapkan kepada benih var unggul tsb shg menjadi bermutu)

Sistem adalah kumpulan dari elemen-elemen (subsistem) yang berinteraksi untuk mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu.

1. Pemuliaan tanaman & pengujian galur-galur harapan

2.Persetujuan & pelepasan varietas-varietas unggul baru

3.Perbanyakan & pengolahan benih hingga siap salur

4.Pemasaran atau penyaluran benih

5.Pengawasan mutu pada saat perbanyakan, pengolahan dan pemasaran/ penyaluran benih

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