The rabies vaccine is developed (Louis Pasteur )

Louis Pasteur scientists who support the theory of biogenesis famous theory of "Omne ova ex vivo Omne vivum ex ovo"Pasteur also made the drug for prevention of anthrax and rabies injections against rabies. At that time people were bitten by a rabid dog will suffer from a disease called hydrophobia. Pasteur rabies injections not only prevent but also treat the disease. On the 70th anniversary of the doctors and scientists from around the world traveled to Paris to honor. Since 1888 work continued at the Pasteur Institute Pasteur in Paris. The institute now has branches in 60 countries. His grave is located beneath the Institute, his body put in a coffin made of marble and granite. Chemists and biologists of France. He managed to find a way to prevent food spoilage until some time with the usual heating process called pasteurization.

Louis Pasteur, is generally considered to be topnotch bin ace in the history of medicine. Pasteur is presenting a lot of their contributions is important for the sake of science. But the most prominent on him is his opinion about the theory and development of disease bacillus prevention techniques via injection. When he found a lot of vaccine (cholera, anthrax and rabies attacked a nine year old girl at the time and uncover the veil of infectious diseases that also took the life of his daughter Jennie.

1906: Penggunaan kata “Genetika”

William Bateson (8 Agustus 1861 - 8 Februari 1926) adalah seorang ahli genetika Inggris dan Fellow Universitas St. John, Cambridge. Dia adalah orang pertama yang menggunakan istilah genetika untuk menggambarkan studi keturunan dan warisan biologis, dan populariser kepala gagasan Gregor Mendel mengikuti penemuan mereka pada tahun 1900. Bateson menjadi terkenal sebagai antagonis Mendel vokal Walter Raphael Weldon, gurunya mantan, dan Karl Pearson yang memimpin sekolah biometrik berpikir. Perdebatan berpusat pada saltationism vs gradualisme (Darwin telah mewakili gradualisme, tapi Bateson adalah saltationist a). Kemudian, Ronald Fisher dan J.B.S. Haldane menunjukkan bahwa mutasi diskrit yang kompatibel dengan evolusi bertahap.

Antara 1900 dan 1910 Bateson diarahkan ke "sekolah" genetika di Cambridge. Kelompoknya kebanyakan terdiri dari perempuan yang berhubungan dengan Newnham College, Cambridge, dan termasuk istrinya Beatrice, dan adiknya Florence Durham. Mereka memberikan bantuan untuk program penelitiannya pada saat Mendelism belum diakui sebagai bidang studi yang sah. Para wanita, seperti Muriel Wheldale (kemudian Onslow), melakukan serangkaian percobaan pemuliaan dalam berbagai spesies tanaman dan hewan antara 1902 dan 1910. Hasil baik didukung dan diperpanjang hukum Mendel keturunan. Bateson pertama kali diusulkan menggunakan kata "genetika" (dari Gennō Yunani, γεννώ, "melahirkan") untuk menggambarkan studi warisan dan ilmu variasi dalam surat pribadi kepada Alan Sedgwick (bukan Adam Sedgwick (1785-1873 ) yang telah profesor Darwin), tertanggal 18 April 1905.

1928: Fleming discovers penicillin

Penislin discovery is always associated with a Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming in 1929, despite the fact that many other scientists have noted before Fleming antibacterial effect. Fleming, in his laboratory at the Hospital of Santa Maria (now one of the teaching hospitals in London), noted the obstacles circle (clear zone) on the growth of Staphylococcus bacteria in a culture dish. Fleming concluded that the resistance was due to a substance inhibiting the growth and destroy bacteria. He then grow a pure culture and find Penicillium which became known as Penicillium chrysogenum. Fleming coined the term "penicillin" to describe the results of filtration of microbiological culture Penicillium.

In subsequent experiments, Fleming realized that penicillin would not last long in the human body to kill pathogenic bacteria. He stopped his research on penicillin after 1931, but tried to start it again in 1934. In 1939, Australian scientist Howard Florey and a team of researchers at the University of Oxford made a significant progress in showing the in vivo bactericidal action of penicillin. They failed in the trial because of insufficiency of penicillin, but it has been demonstrated that penislin harmless and work in mice. Several experiments conducted in Oxford penicillin. In 1942, John Bumstead and Orvan Hess became the first expert who managed to cure patients with penicillin. When World War II, penicillin instrumental in reducing the number of deaths due to infection caused by an open wound that did not receive treatment, which is in a similar situation can lead to gangrene and even death, life-saving 12-15%.

1941: Istilah “Rekayasa Genetika” digunakan

Modifikasi genetik yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia telah terjadi sejak sekitar 12.000 SM, ketika manusia pertama mulai menjinakkan organisme. Rekayasa genetika sebagai transfer langsung DNA dari satu organisme ke organisme lain pertama kali dilakukan oleh Herbert Boyer dan Stanley Cohen pada tahun 1973. Kemajuan telah memungkinkan para ilmuwan untuk memanipulasi dan menambah gen untuk berbagai organisme yang berbeda dan untuk menginduksi berbagai efek yang berbeda. Sejak tahun 1976 teknologi telah dikomersialisasikan, dengan perusahaan yang memproduksi dan menjual makanan yang dimodifikasi secara genetik dan obat-obatan.

1941: The term "genetic engineering" is first used

Genetic modification caused by human activity has been occurring since around 12,000 BC, when humans first began to domesticate organisms. Genetic engineering as the direct transfer of DNA from one organism to another was first accomplished by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen in 1973. Advances have allowed scientists to manipulate and add genes to a variety of different organism and to induce a range of different effects. Since 1976 the technology has been commercialised, with companies producing and selling genetically modified food and medicine.

1956: Proses fermentasi telah sempurna

Proses fermentasi disempurnakan di Jepang. Kornberg menemukan. Sudah mulai mengembangkan cara produksi secara fermentasi tebu, jagung, sagu dan ubi kayu.

1956: The fermentation process is perfected

The fermentation process is perfected in Japan.. Have started to develop a way of production by fermentation of sugar cane, corn, sago and cassava.

1961: Kode Genetik mulai disebarluaskan pemahamannya

Nirenberg dan Matthaei eksperimen adalah eksperimen ilmiah yang dilakukan pada tanggal 15 Mei 1961, oleh Marshall W. Nirenberg dan pasca doktoral-nya, Heinrich J. Matthaei. Percobaan memecahkan kode genetik dengan menggunakan homopolimer asam nukleat untuk menerjemahkan asam amino tertentu.

Dalam percobaan, ekstrak dari sel bakteri yang bisa membuat protein bahkan ketika tidak ada sel-sel hidup utuh hadir disiapkan. Menambahkan bentuk buatan RNA, poli-U, ekstrak ini disebabkan untuk membuat protein yang seluruhnya terdiri dari asam amino fenilalanin. Penelitian ini retak kodon pertama dari kode genetik dan menunjukkan bahwa RNA menguasai produksi jenis tertentu protein.

1961: The genetic code is understood

The Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment was a scientific experiment performed on May 15, 1961, by Marshall W. Nirenberg and his post doctoral fellow, Heinrich J. Matthaei. The experiment cracked the genetic code by using nucleic acid homopolymers to translate specific amino acids.

In the experiment, an extract from bacterial cells that could make protein even when no intact living cells were present was prepared. Adding an artificial form of RNA, poly-U, to this extract caused it to make a protein composed entirely of the amino acid phenylalanine. This experiment cracked the first codon of the genetic code and showed that RNA controlled the production of specific types of protein.

1972: Komposisi DNA antara manusia dan gorilla menunjukkan 99% kemiripan

Mary-Claire Raja (lahir 27 Februari 1946) [1] adalah pakar genetika manusia di Amerika. Dia adalah seorang profesor di University of Washington, di mana dia mempelajari genetika dan interaksi genetika dan pengaruh lingkungan pada kondisi manusia seperti HIV, lupus, mewarisi tuli, dan juga kanker payudara dan ovarium. Raja dikenal tiga prestasi besar: mengidentifikasi gen kanker payudara; menunjukkan bahwa manusia dan simpanse adalah 99% identik secara genetik; [3] dan menerapkan sekuensing genom untuk mengidentifikasi korban pelanggaran hak asasi manusia. Di Argentina, misalnya, pada tahun 1984 ia mulai bekerja dengan Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (nenek dari Plaza de Mayo) dalam mengidentifikasi anak-anak yang telah dicuri dari keluarga mereka dan diadopsi secara ilegal di bawah kediktatoran militer selama Perang Kotor (1976-1983).

1972: The DNA composition of humans is shown to be 99% similar to that of chimps and gorillas

Mary-Claire King (born February 27, 1946)[1] is an American human geneticist. She is a professor at the University of Washington,[2] where she studies the genetics and interaction of genetics and environmental influences on human conditions such as HIV, lupus, inherited deafness, and also breast and ovarian cancer. King is known for three major accomplishments: identifying breast cancer genes; demonstrating that humans and chimpanzees are 99% genetically identical;[3] and applying genomic sequencing to identify victims of human rights abuses. In Argentina, for example, in 1984 she began working with Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo) in identifying children who had been stolen from their families and adopted illegally under the military dictatorship during the Dirty War (1976-1983).

1988: Kongres berdirinya Human Genome Project

NHGRI dimulai sebagai Pusat Nasional untuk Genome Research Manusia (NCHGR), yang didirikan pada tahun 1989 untuk melaksanakan peran NIH di Human Genome Project International (HGP). HGP dikembangkan bekerja sama dengan Departemen Energi Amerika Serikat (DOE) dan mulai tahun 1990 untuk memetakan genom manusia. Pada tahun 1993, NCHGR memperluas perannya di kampus NIH dengan mendirikan Divisi Intramural Penelitian (DIR) untuk menerapkan teknologi genom untuk mempelajari penyakit tertentu. Pada tahun 1996, Center for Disease Warisan Penelitian (CIDR) juga didirikan (didanai oleh delapan lembaga NIH dan pusat) untuk mempelajari komponen genetik gangguan kompleks.

Pada tahun 1997 Amerika Serikat Departemen Kesehatan dan Layanan Kemanusiaan (DHHS) berganti nama NCHGR Human Genome Research Institute Nasional (NHGRI), secara resmi mengangkat ke status lembaga penelitian - salah satu dari 27 lembaga dan pusat yang membentuk NIH. Sekarang, dengan urutan genom manusia yang lengkap sejak April 2003, para ilmuwan di seluruh dunia memiliki akses ke database yang sangat memudahkan dan mempercepat laju penelitian biomedis.

1988: Congress funds the Human Genome Project

NHGRI began as the National Center for Human Genome Research (NCHGR), which was established in 1989 to carry out the role of the NIH in the International Human Genome Project (HGP). The HGP was developed in collaboration with the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and began in 1990 to map the human genome. In 1993, NCHGR expanded its role on the NIH campus by establishing the Division of Intramural Research (DIR) to apply genome technologies to the study of specific diseases. In 1996, the Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) was also established (co-funded by eight NIH institutes and centers) to study the genetic components of complex disorders. In 1997 the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) renamed NCHGR the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), officially elevating it to the status of research institute - one of 27 institutes and centers that make up the NIH. Now, with the human genome sequence complete since April 2003, scientists around the world have access to a database that greatly facilitates and accelerates the pace of biomedical research.

2000: Babi adalah hewan yang dikloning berikutnya untuk membantu produksi organ untuk manusia

Pada tahun 1997, Ritchie dan Campbell bekerja sama dengan PPL (Farmasi Protein Terbatas) menciptakan domba lain bernama "Polly", dibuat dari sel-sel kulit diubah secara genetik mengandung gen manusia. Pada tahun 2000, setelah bergabung PPL Ltd, Campbell dan tim PPL nya (yang berbasis di Amerika Utara) berhasil dalam memproduksi babi pertama di dunia dengan transfer sel somatik nuklir (SCNT), yang disebut teknik kloning. Selain itu, tim PPL berbasis di Roslin, Skotlandia dan Blacksburg (USA) menggunakan teknik untuk menghasilkan gen pertama ditargetkan hewan domestik serta berbagai hewan memproduksi protein terapeutik manusia dalam susu mereka.

2000: Pigs are the next animal cloned by researchers to help produce organs for human transplant

In 1997, Ritchie and Campbell in collaboration with PPL (Pharmaceutical Proteins Limited) created another sheep named "Polly", created from genetically altered skin cells containing a human gene. In 2000, after joining PPL Ltd, Campbell and his PPL team (based in North America) were successful in producing the world's first piglets by Somatic-cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the so-called cloning technique. Furthermore, the PPL teams based in Roslin, Scotland and Blacksburg (USA) used the technique to produce the first gene targeted domestic animals as well as a range of animals producing human therapeutic proteins in their milk.

2001: Human Genome dipublikasikan di majalah Science and Nature

Proyek Genom Manusia konsorsium internasional hari ini mengumumkan penerbitan urutan rancangan dan analisis awal genom manusia - cetak biru genetik bagi manusia. Makalah ini muncul dalam edisi 15 Februari jurnal Nature. Draft urutan, yang mencakup lebih dari 90 persen dari genom manusia, merupakan urutan yang tepat dari empat basa kimia DNA - biasa disingkat A, T, C, dan G - sepanjang kromosom manusia. Teks DNA ini mempengaruhi segala sesuatu dari warna mata dan tinggi, penuaan dan penyakit.

Analisis awal konsorsium teks ini merupakan pandangan global pertama ilmuwan dari lanskap genom manusia, dengan harta yang luar biasa informasi tentang perkembangan manusia, fisiologi, obat-obatan dan evolusi.

Hasil yang dilaporkan dalam Nature minggu ini merupakan kemajuan besar bagi genom konsorsium manusia. Pada tanggal 26 Juni, konsorsium mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mengumpulkan sekitar 90 persen dari surat teks untuk "Kitab Kehidupan." Prestasi baru konsorsium merupakan kompilasi lebih lanjut dari surat-surat ini ke dalam draft pertama dari teks yang dapat dibaca

2001: The sequence of the human genome is published in Science and Nature

The Human Genome Project international consortium today announced the publication of a draft sequence and initial analysis of the human genome - the genetic blueprint for a human being. The paper appears in the Feb. 15 issue of the journal Nature. The draft sequence, which covers more than 90 percent of the human genome, represents the exact order of DNA's four chemical bases - commonly abbreviated as A, T, C and G - along the human chromosomes. This DNA text influences everything from eye color and height, to aging and disease.

The consortium's initial analysis of this text represents scientists' first global view of the human genomic landscape, with its extraordinary trove of information about human development, physiology, medicine and evolution.

The results reported in this week's Nature represent major progress for the human genome consortium. On June 26, the consortium announced that it had collected roughly 90 percent of the letters of the text for the "Book of Life." The consortium's new achievement represents a further compilation of these letters into the first draft of a readable text.

2003: Dolly, domba cloning tahun 1997 disuntik mati

Dolly (5 Juli 1996 - 14 Februari 2003) adalah seorang domba rumah tangga perempuan, dan hewan pertama yang dikloning dari sel somatik dewasa, menggunakan proses transfer nuklir Dia kloning oleh Ian Wilmut, Keith. Campbell dan rekan-rekannya di Roslin Institute, bagian dari University of Edinburgh, Skotlandia, dan perusahaan bioteknologi PPL Therapeutics, yang berbasis di dekat Edinburgh. Dana untuk kloning Dolly diberikan oleh PPL Therapeutics dan Departemen Pertanian. Ia dilahirkan pada tanggal 5 Juli 1996 dan meninggal karena penyakit paru-paru progresif 5 bulan sebelum ulang tahunnya yang ketujuh. Dia telah disebut "dunia kebanyakan domba terkenal "oleh sumber termasuk BBC News dan Scientific American.

2003: Dolly, the cloned sheep from 1997, is euthanized

Dolly (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003) was a female domestic sheep, and the first animal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. She was cloned by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and colleagues at the Roslin Institute, part of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and the biotechnology company PPL Therapeutics, based near Edinburgh. The funding for Dolly's cloning was provided by PPL Therapeutics and the Ministry of Agriculture. She was born on 5 July 1996 and died from a progressive lung disease 5 months before her seventh birthday. She has been called "the world's most famous sheep" by sources including BBC News and Scientific American

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